Bridport Climate Fellowship Circle – September 8

Higher guidance and mutual support in uncertain times

The worsening climate crisis is a valid reason for alarm, bewilderment, and other difficult feelings, and… this is also a chance to find spiritual insights, blessings and positive change amid the turbulence. The idea of the Fellowship Circle is to offer a safe and creative space to explore both of these aspects.

Following a positive pilot session in March, this will be an ongoing monthly group, for up to 12 people. It is intended for anyone wanting to work through painful emotions about the climate crisis, and willing to explore spiritual approaches in the widest sense, which can help us find inner peace and outer purpose in these confusing times.

Some of the approaches and processes we could explore in an ongoing group could include:

  • Joanna Macy’s Work that Reconnects, to help us share our painful feelings about the climate crisis, be witnessed, and move through them to new perspectives.
  • Sharing relevant teachings, prayers and meditations from the faith traditions, for example Buddhist (e.g. Thich Nhat Hanh), Christian (e.g. Richard Rohr), Sufi (e.g. Llewellyn Vaughan Lee).
  • Drawing on Jem Bendell’s Deep Adaptation approach for loving, compassionate ways to meet rising turbulence around us.

This invitation is being initiated by Alan Heeks, who would like to work with a few others to hold and facilitate the group jointly. Alan has been facilitating groups for many years, with a focus on resilience and climate change since 2016, and is also involved in local climate responses, including the Bridport Climate Forums, Bridport Food Matters, and pilot Climate Cafés. See more at

Practicalities: The group meets in central Bridport, on Thursdays, 7-9pm. Requested donation £5 for room hire. Limited to 12 people: to enquire or reserve a place, contact Alan by email or on 07976 602787.