Book blog: A Paradise Built in Hell, Rebecca Solnit

Positive news on community responses to disasters We’re clearly in an era of mounting disasters: not just incidents like hurricanes, but longer-term systemic disasters like habitat loss and food supply failures. This is a highly perceptive and reassuring book for our times. Rebecca has thoroughly researched a number of major disasters, including Hurricane Katrina, 9/11 … Read more

Can we choose our destination?

Life’s speeding up, intensifying: then what? At heart, I’m an optimist and I try to believe that life has meaning and purpose. Those beliefs are half-drowned right now, and I’m writing this blog in the hope of reviving them… If we think of the past five years, life for many of us has been overshadowed … Read more

Finding the Gifts in Bewilderment

I invite you to imagine that the bewildering, alarming events of recent years have positive aspects which we need to discern: why not try? Like me, you may have attempted to make sense of all this by rational means, and failed. Whilst specific crises may resolve, the ongoing level of disruption will probably keep growing. … Read more

Is Earth a Karmic Enterprise Zone?

An extra-terrestrial view of our perplexities   When even slightly plausible explanations fail, it’s time to try some which look highly off the wall, so give this one a test flight. It came to me in a dream while on holiday in the wilds of the Pennines. In my experience, dreams are one way that … Read more

Seeing life differently

Raise your spirits by changing your view Can I invite you to take a couple of minutes, and ask what gives you your sense of reality? Maybe your physical surroundings, other people, and news media and social media. But remember that most of us seek out others who share our views, and social media selects … Read more

Faith, hope and clarity… in uncertain times

These days, it’s easy to be worried, but it takes some skill and conscious choice to stay positive. That’s what this blog hopes to help with… Your top worry may be personal, national or global: in one sense, it’s all the same problem, the shift from an era of relative stability to one of ongoing … Read more

The Wisdom Way of Knowing, by Cynthia Bourgeault

Practical approaches to spiritual resilience This small, readable book is one of the best guides I’ve found to the principles and practicalities of spiritual resilience. Whilst it’s based on Wisdom teachings within the Christian tradition, Cynthia points out that “no matter which spiritual path you pursue, the nuts and bolts of spiritual transformation end up … Read more