Book blog: A Paradise Built in Hell, Rebecca Solnit

Positive news on community responses to disasters We’re clearly in an era of mounting disasters: not just incidents like hurricanes, but longer-term systemic disasters like habitat loss and food supply failures. This is a highly perceptive and reassuring book for our times. Rebecca has thoroughly researched a number of major disasters, including Hurricane Katrina, 9/11 … Read more

The Searching Spirit Centre

Exploring meaning and purpose in crisis times These are times of crisis and breakdown, when it’s hard to find a sense of meaning and purpose in our own lives, or in the bigger picture. This is a vision for a place to help people searching at the level of spirit or soul, for a higher … Read more

Nourishing body and soul

Reinventing spiritual community We live in a time of impending crisis, when I hear many people urging the need for sanctuary, hospicing, and a deeper sense of community. Implicit in such words, but rarely discussed, is the huge spiritual vacuum in our relentlessly materialistic society. Role models for what we need aren’t obvious, but I’d … Read more

Cultivating Community – the time is ripe!

Insights from Glastonbury… Yes, we’ve been talking about strengthening communities for years, but now we really need them. This blog shares insights from two sources: one is the Deep Adaptation Conference held in Glastonbury in June 2023, the other is the impressive community resilience initiatives happening in and around the town of Glastonbury. The conference … Read more