Nature Connection Retreat

A weekend nature connection retreat, developing skills to enhance wellbeing and resilience


Alan writes: I am not facilitating this event, but it uses some of my Natural Happiness material.

If you’re a GP, Hospital Doctor or frontline NHS colleague, you might recognise that never before has there been such urgent need for the restorative effects that nature has to offer, and place them at the heart of recovery for frontline staff. This course will provide Doctors and others space to reflect, learn and connect. To restore ourselves as we take well-deserved time to be with nature. The workshops and activities which will mostly be outdoors, help develop new ways of thinking and being for a sustainable future.

Date and timings: Fri, 29 Sep 2023 17:00 – Sun, 1 Oct 2023 15:00 BST

Venue: Hazel Hill is a 70-acre regenerative woodland that provides a beautiful space for quiet retreat, away from the noise of an increasingly tech-dependent world. Single occupancy accommodation is included in comfortable rustic timber off-grid buildings with hot showers and composting toilets. Delicious vegetarian food will be provided.

Participants: Tailored to GPs, Hospital Doctors and frontline colleagues the programme will include:

  • Practising simple techniques based on applied neurobiology, mindfulness and traditional sources which can be used in everyday work.
  • Learning about resilience from the woodland ecosystem, and practical tools for our own wellbeing and our teams.
  • Conservation work and physical activities together to de-stress, relax into the land and shift perspective.
  • Evening campfire circles for sharing, mutual support and insights on work stresses.
  • Processes and time to consider better approaches for tackling work challenges and systemic pressures.

Cost per person: £450 (reductions available for shared occupancy and for those wishing to camp. Please contact Helen for more information at )


David Peters worked for many years as a GP and since 2000 in a range of professional and research roles in the NHS. He co-founded and directed the Westminster Centre for Resilience (WCR) where he is now Emeritus Professor.

Marcos Frangos is widely experienced in group facilitation, counselling, and group constellation work. He was General Manager at Hazel Hill for five years and has co-led many groups at the wood with David.

Helen Kirk has worked as a Palliative Medicine Consultant for many years. She has a keen interest in Wellbeing through Nature Connection and is a Trustee of Hazel Hill Wood.

To Book your place: