Why I love Hay-on-Wye

A town of eccentrics, for eccentrics My wife and I spent eight months looking hard for a house in north-west Herefordshire, and researching the area. Having failed to find one, we took a snap decision to buy across the border in Wales. We knew little about Hay-on-Wye, but after a few weeks, we’re loving it. … Read more

If you want a happier future, try Wales

Politically, it’s a different planet!Mae Cymru yn wleidyddol yn blaned arall Probably many of you reading this who live in the UK share my gloom about Whitehall politics, and the prospect of sensible, positive action on carbon emissions, food security, affordable housing, and more. Since early 2022, I’ve moved from vague impressions that things were … Read more

Our food 1200

Is an inspiring, visionary and down-to-earth plan to get 1200 acres of land in South-East Wales dedicated to growing vegetables and fruit for local markets. The benefits include reducing the current extreme vulnerability to imports, boosting the local economy (far more value added per acre), and substantially reducing carbon emissions. See more here on Our … Read more