Is food security better in Wales?

Maybe: at least the outlook is promising… Food security is one of the issues which makes me compare the 2020s to the 1930s: there are huge problems looming, most people are in denial, but a few are making preparations which could be crucial. Some of these are in Wales, and as a fresh immigrant, I’m … Read more

Is Earth a Karmic Enterprise Zone?

An extra-terrestrial view of our perplexities   When even slightly plausible explanations fail, it’s time to try some which look highly off the wall, so give this one a test flight. It came to me in a dream while on holiday in the wilds of the Pennines. In my experience, dreams are one way that … Read more

Exploring the Future, some more…

Why organic navigation is better than analytical prescription In recent years, I’ve spent quite a lot of my time exploring the future outlook: recently, I feel I’m getting some valuable insights, at a time of massive change and uncertainty, when it seems that most people (and governments) can’t or won’t consider the future and how … Read more

Our food 1200

Is an inspiring, visionary and down-to-earth plan to get 1200 acres of land in South-East Wales dedicated to growing vegetables and fruit for local markets. The benefits include reducing the current extreme vulnerability to imports, boosting the local economy (far more value added per acre), and substantially reducing carbon emissions. See more here on Our … Read more

Book blog: Breaking Together by Jem Bendell

Are we facing collapse, or merely huge disruption? This is an important, useful book which should help you think more clearly about the future outlook, and about the complex systems that we all depend on (climate, economy, food supplies and more), which are all under stress and may change radically. I’ve had some involvement with … Read more