An ET view of earth

The Only Planet of Choice: book blog

Are the mysteries of life on earth explainable from other planets?

Someone once said, when you try to understand a situation, start with the probable, move on to the unlikely, and if need be, look at the almost incredible. This book may feel to you as if it is almost incredible, but it may offer us some truly helpful insights.

This book was channeled, between 1975 and 1994, by an American woman, Phyllis Schlemmer. It contains a series of conversations between a group of human questioners and a group of spiritual guides with a universe perspective, called the Council of Nine. This may well sound bizarre, but hang in here for a few paragraphs…

If you can suspend disbelief, there are some helpful insights about the challenges of life on Earth, from an interplanetary viewpoint. The Council explain that “This planet is one of the lowest that a soul comes to, in order to learn a lesson. The tragedy is the density of this planet… beings get trapped in this stickiness.”

The Council describe Earth as “the only planet of free choice in the Universe.” Beings don’t have the same level of choice, or responsibility, elsewhere. Earth is seen as a problem planet, because souls become trapped in material pleasures and fail to evolve or move on. This is a cause of population growth on Earth, and has affected the progress of other planets too.

The ET’s explain that accelerating positive change on Earth is urgent, because negative change is accelerating here so rapidly. They offer some specific advice about what aware humans can do to help: “the most important matter is for each individual on your planet to understand that they are part of a whole, and they also make a difference.”

They tell us that “humankind must begin to take responsibility for Earth,” and encouragingly, small groups of people meditating together can make a big difference. Ideally people should meditate for 18 minutes a day, seeing themselves meditating with the Council of Nine, for peace in the Middle East ( which seemingly has a pivotal influence globally)and for environmental sustainability. “Visualise…suctioning off that which pollutes.”

It is also helpful for small groups to meditate together: they suggest one Sunday a month, with a minimum of twelve people. They suggest visualising colours to cleanse stress, and then to “meditate for the unification of the planet and also for the right of individual countries to exist.”

The book offers helpful, specific advice for living amid confusion, pollution, and more. And it highlights the importance of joy. “Humankind must begin to experience…the joy of its divinity, the joy of its oneness with the universe…it must stop living in a situation of victimhood…in its guilt.”

The Only Planet of Choice may seem strange or esoteric but hey, it’s offering perspectives from beyond our planet, so don’t expect it all to fit within your everyday reality. Worth reading, if you can approach it with an open mind!