Men’s Elderhood Retreat | May 10-12

A men’s peer group This weekend offers a shared space to explore as a peer group how we harvest the fruits, enjoy the blessings and adjust to the downsides of getting older: a chance to look afresh and consider the future we’d like to help create. How can we serve as elders in these troubled … Read more

Elderhood: A Sacred, Earthy Calling?

Elderhood: A Sacred, Earthy Calling? A men’s peer group: December 1-3 Llanthony Valley, Black Mountains, Wales  We’re living in a world of rising crisis and turmoil. We’re growing older, we have some talents and resources, but limited time here. How do we use them? What’s the balance between nourishing our souls/the inner life, and doing … Read more

Focussing up to Community Adaptation

Online workshop: Thursday Oct 5, 2-4pm Hosted by Schumacher Institute and Seeding our Future   As adaptation to climate change, food security and other issues becomes urgent, it’s clear that community-scale adaptation will be a crucial factor. But where are the templates, processes, role models, enabling networks? The aim of this workshop is to share … Read more

Nature Connection Retreat

A weekend nature connection retreat, developing skills to enhance wellbeing and resilience   Alan writes: I am not facilitating this event, but it uses some of my Natural Happiness material. If you’re a GP, Hospital Doctor or frontline NHS colleague, you might recognise that never before has there been such urgent need for the restorative … Read more

Fellowship and hope: gathering strength with Nature

Tuesday March 7, near Peterchurch, Herefordshire Our aim for this day is to deepen our roots of support and connection with each other and Nature, and to find our hope, joy and strength, seeing the opportunities in these times. We’ll work with Nature connection, singing with each other and the land, creating sacred space, using … Read more

Hope and Resilience in the Climate and Ecological Emergency

A retreat led by Alan Heeks and Jonathan Herbert Friday Feb 3 – Sunday Feb 5, 2023 at Hilfield Friary, Dorset Using material from the Christian contemplative tradition, from Joanna Macy – a Buddhist and deep ecologist,  and from Jem Bendell’s Deep Adaptation approach, the group will explore ways to grow through emergency. We will … Read more

Havens in storms: climate adaptation for ourselves and our communities 

Saturday October 15 at Castle Green Pavilion, Hereford 10-5pm  This is an exploratory workshop space, inviting both individuals, and representatives of communities and organisations across Herefordshire, to grow their capacities to adapt to the major disruptions ahead of us. We aim to explore some of the emotional, spiritual and practical development and nourishment that may … Read more

Nature Immersion for Climate Distress: May 17-18

A workshop for therapists, counsellors and group leaders Tues May 17 – Wed May 18: Hazel Hill Wood, near Salisbury We can see that the climate crisis is worsening, and we need new ways to respond to rising climate distress. This experiential workshop is designed for therapists, counsellors, facilitators and other professionals, offering you a … Read more